Saturday, August 02, 2008

Summer Daze

It has been hot, hotter than hot, blazing HOT around here. So super hot that it is hard to keep ourselves occupied. There is nothing to do but look outside at the dry, dying grass and feel, well, hot. But last week, we had two fun events that kept even our scorching selves somewhat in the cool.

The Springs playgroup gathered at the best water park we've been to all year: my friend Jolene's backyard! What a set-up! Take a peek:

This perfectly long and gradually sloped slide dumped the kids into a pool of tepid water.
Oliver went Geronimo!

Sweet Jada even slides like a girl, so quietly and daintily.

Clayton took the plunge...again and again!

Owie's favorite part was this free hanging pogo stick which hung from the fort on a bungee cord. He bounced and bounced and bounced and bounced. Mommy worked up quite a sweat bouncing him!

O and Hannah spent some time in the shade digging for treasure in the sandbox.

This was the coolest part! Jolene's super creative hubby crafted this awesome car wash out of PVC pipe. Ingenious!

Precious Caroline and Carleigh

My super tough guy

Later on, my friend Chrys and her darling blondies caught up with us at my Mom and Dad's pool.

Amazing Oliver. What a smart, creative, well-behaved, handsome Boy he is!

Brother Truett is every bit as amazing as Big Bro with twice the spunk!

Nosy spends every minute of pool time pouring water from one cup to another.

Oliver lent Noah a helping hand.

These four Boys have so much fun together!

The absolutely priceless part was the four tiny, bare naked tooshies running around afterwards. Wish I could post pictures of that sweet scene!


cheryl said...

So much fun!
We've been spending a lot of time in the water ourselves. Two of Tiny One's most frequent words these days are poooo (for pool) and HOT!

Libby said...

The boys are so cute. I cannot believe how grown up Noah looks in the photo with the lawn mower! Love and hugs.