Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Talks with (and about) God

I love to listen to O's heart as he prays. I have never heard such sincerity, honesty, expectation and trust. I guess that's what's meant by child-like faith. But sometimes, the things that come out of this child's mouth are downright hilarious. Is it wrong to bust out laughing during family prayer time?

After Owie had spent his allotted three minutes in time out for being purposefully mean to Noah, I went in to pray with him about it.

Owen's prayer:
"God, I am being really mean to my baby brother. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen!!"

Try again, O.

"God, I am being mean to my brother. Help me to be nicer. THANK YOU!! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen."

Much better, Son.

While we were coloring at the kitchen table:
"I like all the colors God decorated with. He decorated the rainbow with all the colors."

I was praying with Owen before bed while Noah screamed his head off in the crib.

whispered "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. Tell Jesus that Nosy is very sad."

Definition of sacrifice, according to O:
"Something to do for God...like obeying is hard but if I don't I get a spanking. If I obey, God is so happy!"

Prayer requests while on our walk:

Mommy: "O, is there anything I can pray for you today?"

Owie: "No. I don't think so. Oh! You can pray for sharing!"

Mommy, so proud that O recognizes he has a struggle sharing with his brother: "That you will share with Noah?"

O: "No! That Nosy will share with me!"

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

L-O-V-E this post.

love that boy!
