Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Circus, Here We Come!

Our family is headed to the circus this weekend, and we can hardly wait! Especially one of us is over the Big Top excited. So much so that I am bombarded with questions and suppositions about the circus from morning until night.

"Where is the circus? Are we going after nap? What will we see there? How do we get there? Are there snacks to eat? Fruit snacks? Is it circus time yet? I think we ride the train to the circus. Are we going when I wake up? I know the directions! We go from Jesus past God on Murphy Road and then to Holford in Texas. Is it time to go to the circus yet? When is Saturday? Is it after nap? What is a clown? Who is an acrobat? Am I an acrobat?" and on and on and on.

So we started doing some research about the circus for the benefit of O's knowledge base and Mommy's sanity.

We checked out a bunch of circus books from the library. Very informative.

We watched a bazillion circus videos on YouTube. Very entertaining.

And then we did a little lesson about the concept of time by making an old fashioned paper chain. We cut out a strip of paper for each day from now until C Day, labeled it with the appropriate day of the week (Look at me sneaking in some school work!) and illustrated it with what we were doing each day until the circus. Then we chained them all together, added stickers and streamers to make it fancy, and viola! Any further questions about the exact timing of the circus can be referred directly to the chain!

99% of the circus questions have been answered, and we are fully prepared for the time of our lives! Circus, here we come!


Chrys and Mike said...

that has been the climate around here as well.

today we made a list of all the things we think we'll see at the circus. i'm not sure about "a river" but maybe?

and how do you explain clowns??

your circus books look more realistic and plausible than ours. ours are crazy stories about emmaline ending up in the circus w/ her head in a lion's mouth, etc. i assured o that this will not happen to him.

he informed me today that he does not want to wait to go so he is going tomorrow. by himself. he has a pretty good sense of direction so i probably need to watch him extra closely.

we're so excited!


p.s. i told him that cotton candy is yucky b/c he ain't getting any for $12! just trying to keep expectations in check. :)

cheryl said...

How fun! We got free tickets for the girls again through our summer reading program at the library, but haven't decided yet if we're going to splurge for us.
I'm sure you'll have SO much fun.
Great ideas for calming curious minds. I would love to be a fly on the wall (or ceiling) at your house. ;o) It's much funnier when you're not around it 24/7!

AmyB said...

Rachel - your posts are always so entertaining, and your boys so cute! My bags have been a fun little side project. They usually start at $35, but the price really depends on size and "extras". Yes, we're super excited about this jogger/trailer. It is a Schwinn Joyrider and we purchased it on ebay. Have yet to try out the trailer aspect of it, but hope to do that tonight. I'll post the verdict one of these days. So far, the stroller part is very cool and it has a LOT of neat features. If you google "Schwinn Joyrider reviews" a youtube demo video will come up from Rowdytown. That's what really convinced me to get it, since they don't sell that one locally. But there are a ton more stroller/trailer combos out there.

Erica said...

How Fun!! We took Clayton when he was three and he loved it.