Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nosy Gets Crafty

Noah has recently shown an interest in the wonderful world above the level of the kitchen table. Previously, when Owie and I would craft away, he would be content-ish to run around the living room chasing a ball or mowing the carpet. Lately though, he wants to participate more in what we are doing. So exciting! My Baby is growing up!

So I strapped the baby seat to the kitchen table and now Nosy joins right in with us on our crafting endeavors. Or at least he makes a really good attempt!
I just love having two of my very favorite people gathered around our kitchen table while we all learn new things together. It is exactly how I always dreamed it would be...


Chrys and Mike said...

the last sentence of the post is my fav.


cheryl said...

I see you have the same "in the mouth" problem we do! I came across this one blog w/ a resource for non-toxic type craft supplies and I've been meaning to go check it out.
It's http://www.stubbypencilstudio.com/supplies/index.htm

It looks like they have some pretty cool stuff that would be good for even my super oral kiddo!