Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pass the Mystery Meat & Other Favorites

We come up with some pretty zany games around the House of Halpin!

Nosy came up with this new fave: Pass the mystery meat.
Requirements to play the game: spatula, rubber mystery meat and a steady hand.

Another crowd pleaser:

Object of the game:
Attempt to mostly conceal yourself behind a wall or piece of furniture. When passers-by least expect it, pop out and scare the pants off of them!

These Guys are good!

We have also rekindled our passion for the Wii. We didn't play at all for quite some time, but lately, Wii just can't get enough! Even Nosy waves a remote control around as if it is a Wii remote so the whole Fam can enjoy!

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

oliver would be really disappointed to hear you refer to his favorite chocolate cookie as "mystery meat". he's convinced that's some imaginary sugary goodness.

we're big fans of the wii!! we feel so cool now after wi-ing at your house! :)
