Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Dance Party!

I am constantly amazed at the bottomless pit of energy my Boys posses. I can be ready to pass out from exhaustion and they are still running strong.

Something fun we have been doing lately to burn off some of that excess energy, especially when it's too hot to head outside, is to have a family after-dinner dance party. I found some great kid-friendly dancing music, we pump up the volume and bust some groovy moves.

Sadly, Daddy opted out of the video session. You'll have to take my word for it that his moves are the grooviest of all!


Chrys and Mike said...

They've got some moves! Owen was making me laugh!!


cheryl said...

So fun! We've been doing that a lot lately too, except we often end up w/ a bunch of girly accessories as well. Tonight Tiny One even brought me her tutu, held it up and said "tutu" because she wanted me to help her put it on.
Sweet memories with your boys. They're so precious.