Thursday, July 03, 2008


Addison puts on such an amazing fireworks display every year at Kaboom Town. This year, on the third, we met up with Gigi and Papa and the Amezcua clan to enjoy the show.

Daddy and No-nos are already sleepy

Not Ally and Will! They are pumped for the show!

Nosy grabbed a chair.

Once I busted out the dum-dums and puppy chow, things livened up a bit. A little sugar does wonders!

Mia is waiting for the action to begin!

Will is in awe! There were jets flying in tight formation and a plane with fireworks streaming from its engines. Unbelievable!

Owie scored the best seat in the house!

O's thoughts on fireworks:

"I like them. I am not scared. I would like to bring one home... to keep in the garage for another day."

Wouldn't that be fun, O?

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