Tuesday, July 08, 2008


O ate a great dinner tonight, so he was rewarded with his choice from the candy drawer. (Yes, we actually have an entire drawer in our house devoted to nothing but candy. I am fueled by sugar!) O wisely selected a piece of chocolate. He savored each and every bite, licking his fingers so as to not miss a single crumb.

"Does it taste so good?" as if I had to ask. His face said it all!

He responded with a huge grin and an enthusiastic nod: "Uh-huh!! Like a tomato!" Licks his lips again. "A tomato and a cucumber!!"


Kara said...

Cracks me up! I don't think I have ever heard anyone compare veggies to chocolate! How cute!

Kimberly said...

Don't we wish that the comparison worked in reverse and veggies tasted like chocolate. But that would take the challenge out of parenting toddlers for many of us!

Chrys and Mike said...

hilarious! i'm so glad you're writing this down!
