Saturday, July 19, 2008


O gave quite a discourse on the many reasons why a young boy should get a good night's sleep.

"I need to sleep by-cuz sleep helps me grow bigger and to have energy to play well."

"Sleeping helps me run a cheetah!"

"If I stay awake I will run so a turtle."

"My eyes don't want to close, okay?"

Intriguing conversation. I just wish it had not been going on at 1:14am. Owie finally drifted off for the first time all night (after a desperate dose of Motrin...maybe he hurts somewhere?) around 1:30am. His rooster crowed a little after 6:00am.


Kara said...

How strange. I wonder what was keeping him up. No telling!

Erica said...

Oh,no....poor sleepy people at the house of halpin. It is too bad that mommy's don't get mandatory nap time.