Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Tell me how this happened.


Sunday morning, I drank coffee from my solitary coffee mug, my one and only that I use every. single. day. I need this coffee mug. It's horribly ugly, but I love it anyway.

Monday morning, it was nowhere to be found. Missing without a trace. Completely vanished.

I checked the bathroom, the dishwasher, the car. Even checked the washing machine, freezer, trash can, bizarre spots I may have stuck it when spaced out for a minute.

Gone! How does this happen?
Weird. Weird and frustrating.
Maybe I should post a reward.


Chrys and Mike said...

wow. that is a mystery! at my house there are a million places it could be hiding. but your house is so clean that it would be pretty easy to find. i'd think. hmmmmmm.

until then, you have lots of sippy cups that would work in a pinch. right??


Erica said...


Kara said...

I think I would try putting myself in the mind of one 18 month old in particular...maybe you would get a clue to where it went missing! :) Branson hides our stuff all the time, so its worth a shot, right? :)