Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday Funday

Jeremy had the day off on Friday, and boy was it a scorcher! We were all restless and had energy to burn off, but it was so extraordinarily hot! To burn off some steam, we headed to Jack Carter Pool in Plano. I can't believe we have never visited this fun-filled pool before! It was amazing...and all for just $2 for swimmers over the age of six!

Here is the wading pool area, perfect for my Guys who like to be able to walk around in the water. The slides were just our speed too!

They were having some chemical issues with the wading pool, so we headed to the big pool after a bit. There is a huge laned off lap area, a water slide (Super fun! I felt like a dork waiting in line between the giggly tweens and the bikini clad teens, but I am not one to pass up a water slide!), and a great diving board. O got to practice his swimming until he could hardly kick anymore!

Sadly, my pics of the Boys did not turn out well. I only took a few since I spent most of my time splashing with the kids, but the wading area was so cool, I had to post pics of it! This is definitely a place we will have to re-visit before the end of the summer!


Chrys and Mike said...

oooooooh! let's go!!!


Erica said...

I am so sad that all of your pics didn't turn out. looks fun!