Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

Today was a torrential downpour, stormy, wonderful sort of day! We had no plans, so the Boys and I enjoyed a pajama day at home.
We started off by playing in the rain before the cold front moved in and it got too chilly. My Guys had a blast!

After a good hard romp in the rain, we hopped in the tub to warm up and sponge off. Mini English muffin pizzas for lunch! That's always a fun treat! Our next event: an up-beat, original concert performed by Owie on the drums and ri-tar, all while singing his great, big heart out. Some of his repertoire:"Kitty Cat Trashcan," "Spiky Shoe," and my personal fave, "Juice Baby Goes to the Moon." Then it was off to bed for lovely long naps.

When the Boys woke up, I had a special surprise for them: an Easter Egg Hunt in the living room! O is quite the egg hunter! Even Scooter caught on really fast. And once he figured out that there was a yummy fruit snack or M&M in each egg, I have never seen his chubby little legs toddle so fast! O was such a sweet brother, directing Nosy to where the eggs were tucked away and helping him to get his treat out. I had so much fun watching the Boys interact. What joy they bring to my days!

After egg hunting, O helped me make yummy muffins for dessert (My first attempt at a Deceptively Delicious recipe. They turned out great and everyone snarfed them up!) so the house would smell yummy for Daddy when he got home from work. (It makes me so happy to greet Jeremy with a clean, good-smelling house and clean, good-smelling children when he walks in the door after a long day. I don't know how many days I actually succeed in this mission, but it is always my goal...unless my goal is just to keep everyone alive until Daddy gets home...that is sometimes the case too!)

We topped the day off with a rousing game of family hide and go seek, flashlights and spy glasses sported by all. O won the prize for best hiding spot: behind all the pillows on our bed.

What a wonderful, quiet, home type of day that I will treasure always!

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