Thursday, March 27, 2008


Our bedtime routine with Owen keeps getting extended. I want to remember the run-down (for times when he doesn't need me to tuck him anymore), so here it is:

We read a book.

We say a prayer.

Then we sing.

First, "The Lord Bless You and Keep You," a blessing upon our son.

O has recently added "Oh How I Love Jesus" and "Jesus Loves Me."

(He has recommended we also add "Jingle Bells," but we told him enough is enough.)

Next, the zillions of repeated questions/ announcements start.

Here are just a few:
"I hope I don't get thirsty!"
"I hope I have some dreams."
"I am not tired. What can I do?"
We list: Say some prayers ("Jesus loves to have me talk to Him!"), sing some songs, play with his babies (John and Jeremiah), say his verses...then he always adds "SLEEP!" Great idea, O!

The past few nights, he has been having so much difficulty settling down. He screams and screams in his room for almost an hour, often slamming himself against the door or the wall. It is all very disturbing, breaks my heart just listening to him, and we can't figure out the root of the problem. One night I went in to try to calm him down with big hugs and kisses. This is what he said, all snuggled in and damp with tears, when I asked him what was wrong:
"I am having lots of trouble, Mommy. I keep having so many things to ask you. It makes me sad. But I am your treasure. That makes me so happy!"

You are my precious treasure, O. How I love, love you!


Chrys and Mike said...

oh wow, that made me cry!


The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

Email me so I can email you back with a suggestion to help w/ the bedtime struggle.