Thursday, March 20, 2008

Recurring Theme

O came up to me today and said something rather alarming, something he has said a few times over the past few days:

"It is time to give No-nos to some other people."

"WHAT?! WHY?!"

"He is getting bigger and we need a different tiny baby."

Only after explaining that we love, love Noah and do not want to give him away, that if God chooses to give us another baby, then we would have three children, not give one away, does O seem satisfied that Nosy can stick around.
The only reason I can think of for this new development is that as Scooter is getting bigger, he definitely gets in Owie's way a lot more. I can see O getting more frustrated that Noah plays with his toys and walks off with his things.

Tonight before bed though, I overheard a precious conversation O had with Noah:
"I love you, Nosy-Posy. You are a good Brother and I share toys with you. Thank you for sharing back with me." Then he blew kisses in Noah's direction.

I know O loves Noah and the brotherly bond they share will last a lifetime. May I foster affection and respect in my Boys, Father. May they realize what a precious gift you have given them in each other.

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