Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our Easter in an Eggshell

What a wonderful Easter we had this year!
We started the festivities off with an Easter Egg Hunt at Gramps and Yaya's church on Saturday. It was a beautiful morning for searching for eggs!

The three year olds kicked us off with the first hunt of the day. O knew just what to do and filled his basket quickly. When his basket was mostly full, we had to reign the Boy in to leave some eggs for other kids. Once the hunt was over, Owie was excited to see what sweet surprises his eggs held.
My three Guys had so much fun!

The toddler egg hunt was located in the playground area. A few sweet ladies would toss several eggs in front of each wee one's path as they toddled along, and the babies would stoop down and pick them up. Now that's how I like to hunt eggs! Nosy had a good time, except he does not like to get mulch on his hands. Every time he bent over to pick up an egg, he would then seek me out to brush his hands off. Funny Boy! Even so, he got quite a haul!

They had the hugest bounce house I have ever seen set up in a field. It was a roller-coaster, obstacle course, muti-level, very intimidating bounce house. Owen was drawn to it like a magnetic force was pulling him. I checked out some of the other kids waiting in line for a turn. They were all big, older kids. "Are you sure you want to try it, Owie? There are plenty of other bounce houses just your size!" He was adamant. And so my not-so-big kiddo climbed and clawed his way to the top of this ginormous bounce house, overcame all the obstacles (Daddy did give his bottom one tiny shove over a huge mountainous structure), and lived to happily slide down the other side. And then we did the whole thing over again!

Easter Sunday, we joined my parents, my sis and bro-in-law, and some great friends for Easter dinner. Dad grilled steaks...yum! Of our time at the Cody house, the definite hit for the Boys was rocking away on various different rocky toys. The hit for Mommy? New navy blue Crocs for both Boys from Yaya!

Gramps made this pony, whom O named Corky after a horse Gramps had when he was a boy, run like the wind!

Home for a speedy nap and then we got to celebrate the secular side of Easter House of Halpin style!

The Boys are lined up at the entrance to the playroom and are raring to get started!

O's basket runneth over

As soon as Scooter discovered that each egg hid a single M&M, it was pretty much over for him. He'd find an egg and then rush over to me with great angst, shaking his egg, and babbling away. I only wish I could translate baby lingo. I'd love to know what he was so urgently saying! I think his face pretty much tells it all though! "I NEED CANDY!"

The Boys sweetly posed for me so I could get a few Easter shots.

One more stop to go! We headed to Gigi and Papa's for a cousin Easter Egg Hunt and delicious lasagna dinner.

Seriously. Why do we even attempt the group photo? I have hundreds of pictures that look just like this one!

By now, Noah knows the ropes. He's off!

Owie had so much fun racing around madly with his cousins!

What an amazing day to reflect on the sacrificial love of an awesome God for his lowly people.

He is risen indeed!

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