Friday, March 07, 2008

Off He Goes!

Finally a few pics of our new little walker. Although he knows how to stand up in the middle of the floor, he usually crawls over to a piece of furniture or the wall to pull up. Once he's on his feet, he is hard to catch! He is just starting to prefer walking to crawling. He can bend down to pick up a toy, stand back up and keep on trucking. He can also make direction changes. He is catching on so fast! He is hilarious to watch, hands waving up in the air, huge beaming grin on his face! He is so proud of himself! I thought I'd be sad to see the crawling stage end, but this walking stuff is so much fun! I delight in watching him toddle!

Here he is on a very important errand:

He headed with to the office with something on his mind...

...opened the little drawer in our TV stand...

...and headed back to the playroom, remote in hand. All in a day's work for No-nos!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

What a big walker you have on your hands there! I'm thinking it won't be too much longer before Tiny One's back up and running. She's been standing and taking a few more steps today.
I love that he got the remote! It's so funny how much they love electronics!