Saturday, March 15, 2008

Empty Baby Books

My baby books are practically empty. This is a fact that saddens me greatly and plagues me with guilt. My only consolation is that I have been a fairly faithful blogger. One of my Christmas gifts from Jeremy was the printing of my blog that could serve as a substitute baby book. When I was reviewing my blog to prepare to print it, I realized that there were a few events that I would like to add more detail about. And so I am (slowly) going back and adding posts here and there. When I do this, I will jot a note like this one to let you know I posted something new. Take a peek, if you'd like. It's all old news, but there are some good stories that still need to be told!
Noah's Birth


Kimberly said...

how did you get your blog printed? that sounds like a great idea. kimfesdds at sbcglobal dot net

cheryl said...

What a great idea! I'm totally with you on the empty baby books! I feel so bad, but at least I have a lot recorded on here.