Friday, March 21, 2008

Big Boy: 15 months

Weight: 24pounds, 8 ounces (90%)
Height: 32 1/2 inches (60%)

Oh, Nosy-Posy, how you fill my days with light and laughter. Where your brother is quiet and observant, you are all giggles and gang-busters. You only have one speed: full steam ahead! You have an adventurous nature and are always up for anything, especially if you see Big Bro doing it! You join right in and play along just as if you were as big as your beloved Owie.

You are getting much more steady on your feet, although I often see you teetering on one foot, struggling to catch your balance, especially as you do a 180 to catch up with our resident runner. You are mighty fast, and can change direction without a moment's notice, making it especially hard for Mommy to catch you. One of my most treasured sounds in all the world is the pitter-patter of your tiny feet toddling across the floor. Especially when you are wearing pj's or Robeez, that little suck-suck noise on the tile or hard wood as you are prancing around warms my heart like no other.

One of my favorite things about this month: Your signing has taken off! You now put two words together ("More, please." "Help, please." "More milk."). You catch on very quickly to new signs and use them easily. I don't have to initiate the conversation by signing to you first. Often, you will toddle up to me with a toy and sign, "Help," all on your own. You are so conversational! You still rely an awful lot on the old favorite, "Uuuuuhhh! Uuuuuhhhhh," gesturing towards what you need (everything is an urgent need for you!), but as you get more proficient with signs, I expect that will taper off. As for verbal words, we are sticking to "Da-da" for right now, with a very occasional, "Ma-ma-ma-ma" thrown in. Just like your brother at this age, it seems you say some words for a week or two and then we never hear them again.

You should be an add campaign for oral hygiene! You have an adoration for your toothbrush and carry it around like a security item. (I guess that's not that weird coming from the Boy who still sleeps with a ladle!) Your Uncle Kyle is so proud!


Your favorite pastimes of late: throwing things (I am trying so hard to train you to only throw balls...but Easter eggs look so much like balls....), taking a bath (Do you realize how awkward a soaking wet, limp, screaming toddler is to pull out of a deep bath tub?!), chasing O all over the house (much to O's chagrin sometimes), and doing anything outside.

You still throw fits occasionally, although I can see you becoming smarter about it. Now, prior to throwing yourself backwards onto the floor, you can be caught checking out what kind of surface you are on. If you are sitting on the carpet when the fit begins, tossing oneself backwards is a viable option. Hard wood or tile is reason to pause and weigh the cost of a sound head bump. Usually a few minutes into the fit, you stop crying for a second and scan the audience through squinted eyes. If anyone is paying attention to your situation, the fit continues. But if we have all gone about our usual business, you will pop right up and continue playing, the fit forgotten. I am on to you, Little One!

Scooter, you are a delight to me! I get excited to see you in the mornings, even though it is so early, eager to see what new surprises you will bring to our day. You light up my life! Love you, No-nos!

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

GREAT PICS. i love that kid!
