Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Good Ol' Fashioned Tent Raisin'

Our challenge:
Raise a tent that seats 250 people in gale force winds. None of our guys had done anything like this before, so it was a big task!
(The tent is for our huge Eggs-travaganza on Palm Sunday. These guys worked almost twelve hours straight in the park to prepare!)
Here is the tent all laid out. After this we all kind of stood around wondering, "What now?"

O had a good chat with Papa

Jeremy took the plunge by starting to pound in the stakes

Even the Boys pitched in by "hammering" these tennis balls on top of the stakes

Here's something you don't see every day: Three grown men consulting the directions! Desperate times, call for desperate measures!

I set the Boys up with their picnic lunch so I could be of a bit more help.

One of the hardest parts was holding the tent poles steady in the gusty winds while the guys tightened down the chains that secured the tent

Up goes the second corner!

We almost have a tent!

And there it is in all its glory! Way to go guys!!

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