Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School of Halpin

A bit more on Preschool at The House of Halpin. Pictured are our "formal" school books for learning to write letters and numbers, do early math, and concepts such as same/different, sorting biggest to smallest, etc. We actually have several other workbooks for extra practice as well. I also included our AWANAs Cubbies handbook because we will incorporate the Scripture we are learning into our lessons as well. We have several early readers (Dick and Jane and the Bob Books) that O reads in almost daily. So these books, along with our forever rotating treasures from the library, nature walks, field trips, art exposure, and oodles of crafts make up our "curriculum" of sorts.

O and I are having so much fun learning together! Usually, we wait until Nosy's morning nap to gather around the kitchen table with our wonderful learning books and cup of coffee/smoothie. We work in our workbooks for 30-45 minutes. Next we practice Bible verses or read to each other. If we have a field trip or playdate, it is normally over the lunch hour, and then we head home for naps. We reserve craft time for after the Boys wake up from afternoon naps. The craft generally centers around a Bible theme with more verses to discuss while we create. What wonderful memories I am forming around my kitchen table, teaching my oldest heart knowledge and head knowledge.

I pray that I am instilling in him not only a passion for his Saviour and godly character traits, but also fostering a love for learning and creativity that will carry him through his whole life.


Chrys and Mike said...

amen, sister! you are doing such a fabulous job with those boys.

what a wonderful momma you are--i learn so much from you. i mean that.


cheryl said...

So much fun! Where all did you end up getting your books from?

Sandi said...

Hey - Are you planning on homeschooling during elementary? I am and I love it!
Your boys are so precious!