Monday, September 29, 2008

The Halpin Hair Project, cont.

So we've been letting O's hair grow, just to see what would happen. It's lovely: long and curly and a bit wild. But is it becoming a tad too rock star? You know, for a three year old? We need guidance, since I'm no Kate Hudson. The Boy comes from a family of squeaky clean preps.

I'm inclined to let it keep growing awhile longer, and then maybe get it shaped in to some sort of style. (I do trim around the ears and his bangs. Do boys have bangs? That just sounds weird.) Jeremy is ready to get the clippers. What do you think? Chop it or leave it alone?


cheryl said...

LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT!!! It's adorable! I know you would never let it get to the point of crazy and unruly! I think it's adorable.
You could always try spritzing it with water and sort of scrunching the curls if you're dying to "style it!" I'm sure you know more tricks than I do! :o)

Deann Black said...

The curls are so cute. Have you tried geling them? I have board straight like I have a clue!

Chrys and Mike said...

ARE YOU KIDDING???????????

DON'T TOUCH IT! it's perfect! just like it is!!!!!!!!!!

okay, i've given my opinion. i'll stop writing in all caps now.

but seriously. i love it.


Sandi said...

Oh you you TOTALLY let it grow!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy.....This is a grandmother talking.....LEAVE THOSE CURLS ALONE! They're precious! His hair is not too long. It's just right!

Kimberly said...

I think it looks great (and I am definitely partial to more tailored hair on boys.) It is curly, but it is not even close to touching his collar or looking sloppy!