Thursday, September 11, 2008


We started a great day yesterday with a trip downtown to First Baptist Church of Dallas. Did you know that any homeschooler, employee or resident of downtown Dallas, student, teacher (it seems as if pretty much anyone!) can be a member of the Truett Memorial Library?! I was thrilled! And although I only have preschoolers in our homeschool thus far, Ruthe the librarian was so excited for us to come explore her domain. So the Boys and I journeyed down there to check it out.

The first bit of adventure (after circling downtown many times to actually find the right door! Heard, "Daddy never gets lost," quite a bit!) was learning about parking meters. Super interesting, I know, but the little boys loved it!

I fell in love with the library right away: so cozy with countless volumes, old and new, and filled with that great library smell. And Ruthe...what a dear woman! She truly has a passion for books and for helping readers find what they need. She was crazy about my Boys and popped in a Boz movie to keep them happy, allowing me some undisturbed browse time. We were the only patrons while we were there, so I could take my time and not worry about the kids.

The library had so many wonderful books and DVDs and Bible studies available for checkout! I especially loved the children's and youth's sections, chock full of timeless classics and Christian biographies. I think I have found our resource library for years to come! What a blessing!


Kara said...

I love that you love books! Some people would think that we are crazy for being able to spend hours in the library and enjoying that "library" smell. Love it!

cheryl said...

Wow! What a cool resource!

Chrys and Mike said...

you didn't tell me it was the truett memorial library! how fun! named just for our precious boy. :)

can't wait to go there. i love how sweet the librarian was to you.

you know you've always got a fellow bibliophile in me!
