Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Owen and I have been at school for a month now. We are falling into a very nice rhythm, a doable, enjoyable routine. We both love the time spent together each morning to learn and craft and read. But since I am doing the lesson plans all myself and combining so many different programs (AWANAs, our Truth and Grace Memory Book, various workbooks, crafts of my own design to accompany our Bible lessons), I feel a bit scattered. My goal was to center our lessons each day around Biblical character traits, and I know I am falling short in this area.

But earlier this week, I revisited a website a dear friend had recommended to me a year or so ago searching for some inspiration. I found exactly what I have been looking for! Michelle Hubbard has already done all the legwork and planning for me, and she has spelled it all out in the Joyful Heart Character Curriculum for four to six year olds, for anyone who wants it...for FREE! One character trait is focused on each week. She includes the Bible characters to study, verses to memorize, songs to sing, library books to read when studying each trait. She even has sections for calendar study, math, reading and early science. Downloads and printables, tracing sheets and easy readers are all free! Amazing...and so exciting to me!

So I completely reorganized how school at our house is done, borrowing bits and pieces from Ms. Hubbard's lesson plans. O loves calendar time, his favorite part being graphing the weather. We then spend a good deal of time working with our Bibles, quoting verses to each other and studying the character trait of the week. When we get antsy, we jump up and sing praise songs while we dance around (P.E.!) or head outside to look for nature's treasures. I am not using the reading or math readiness sections of the curriculum, since we had a good system going already. We work in our workbooks next, tracing letters/numbers, making patterns, matching rhyming words, reading, etc. Then we break for lunch and nap. After nap is usually craft or science time, and Nosy can join right in the fun with us. The craft is something I invent to go along with the character trait. For science, I have taken Ms. Hubbard's weekly unit ideas and added more substance and fun experiments or games.

I know this is FAR more than anyone wants to know about our day, but I am just so pumped about it! I have had so much fun writing out our lessons for each day, planning goals to accomplish, and coming up with fun ways to learn the material. O hops out of bed each morning begging to start school. (This morning we were at our school table at 6:30, reciting verses to start our day!)

So there you have it:
School of Halpin: Revamped


Kara said...

Wow! I can't believe that you can do all that with two little ones running around. I am certainly impressed. I think I remember reading awhile back that you and O work while Noah is sleeping in the morning? Does that kid still take two naps?! You are doing something right!! We are already down to one 1 1/2 maybe 2 hour nap and that is it. I am glad you found this website...thanks for sharing it with us. :)

cheryl said...

Thanks for sharing the great resource. Sounds really exciting, and I can't wait to go check it out!

Sundee said...

You are amazing indeed, clearly with a heart and a talent. Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate your ideas, talent, and your resources. And I need all the help I can get! ; )