Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet the Mini Halpins!

Day 6 in God's Creation: animals and man. I have so many crafty ideas for Day 6 floating around in my brain. How do I pick just one?

I finally settled on crafting a mini family to celebrate God making man in general and our fam specifically.

Nosy kept busy at his craft at the table with us.

During nap, I cut out zillions of ears, eyes, mouth shapes, and shoes for O to choose from so he could make each family member exactly how he wanted. I didn't get to take any pictures of the process (too busy fulfilling my role as O's assistant!), but here's the end result:

Some explanation may be necessary:
Daddy is tall and sporting a tie made from an outside treasure.

Mommy has pretty green hair, and no, that is not a rather bulbous nose. I am forming a perfect "O" with my mouth and singing a beautiful tune. I also have handmade shoes adorned with pictures of mice. Just what every girl dreams of!

Owie is also belting out a tune, complete with music notes trailing off into the air. His shoes are decorated with the number 5. Not sure why.

Tiny Noah is, well, tiny. He is also holding a green baseball. Noah gets so excited to see his mini self.

I knew O would love the craft. What I didn't expect was the great fun he has had playing with the mini family: reading to them, making them talk to each other and have adventures. So fun to watch!

As we crafted, we sang a little song I found on-line:
"God made me. God made me. God made everything, and God made me." (The tune is "Farmer in the Dell.") We substituted names and special things about each person just to stretch the song out ("God made Owen...with curly hair. God made Owen just this way."), and by the end, Noah was singing along too! Mostly just the, "ME!" but still. He has never sung before! Hooray for Nosy!


Chrys and Mike said...

super cute! the more halpins, the better! we love em!

i'm jealous of your mouse shoes, by the way. fashion maven.


cheryl said...

Love it. Thanks for sharing the fun details. I love the Noah was singing along!

Libby said...

So darling. You, my dear, are fulfilling your God-given purpose--with flare and grace!