Monday, June 14, 2010

Sponging Off

Time for a bath for this tiny stinkaroo. I could only give him a sponge bath instead of a soothing developmental bath due to his cord still being attached. Little Bit was not happy about it at all!

This was really the first time he has gotten so worked up. He is such a laid back baby that he has hardly cried at all. Let's just say his lungs got a good workout during his bath.

I still can't get over all that hair!

Nosy to the rescue. He is such a devoted big brother! Any time he hears Jonah fuss, he is the first to respond with a hug or a mimi or a song.

All better, although worn out from the hollering. He slept hard after all that activity!


Chrys and Mike said...

I love the last pic in the towel! Gorgeous!

Deann Black said...

I concur with Chrys' comment...too cute!