Thursday, June 03, 2010

Attack of the Ducks

It was hot, and we had a very long afternoon spreading out in front of us with no plans. And I was very, very pregnant. And tired. And hot. But I had some extra hamburger buns and bread crusts in the pantry, waiting for a day just like this one. So I loaded up the troops and we headed out to the duck pond for some fun.
The pond was very heavily populated on this summer afternoon. We were so excited to see so many hungry ducks. Little did we know about the killer instincts of these ducks!

Never in my life have I met such aggressive, fearless, mean ducks. As soon as we got out of the car, they we were attacked by the waddling, hissing creatures. Some of them were as tall as Nosy when they stretched their necks out to full height. Even I was a bit scared as they pecked at our shoes and tried to snatch our bread bags right out of our hands. Noah was absolutely terrified as they surrounded us on all sides, so we ran to get a little distance between us and the crazy ducks. Have you ever seen a duck run? They can be pretty speedy when they know bread is at stake. I am sure we were quite a sight: big preggo mama carrying a huge toddler, running from the mean, mean ducks. The ducks all chased us in a row, hissing and quacking and pecking...until Owen, the Hero, devised a plan.

Smart O took his bag of bread and started laying a trail of bread chunks along the sidewalk, luring them in the opposite direction away from Noah and me. It did not take long for the ducks to notice the yummy snack all laid out for them. And so they started to follow Fearless O, all lined up like a duck parade with Owen marching along in front. We were saved!

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