Thursday, June 10, 2010


There are a few things about our stay in the hospital this time that were especially special and I don't ever want to forget:

The Big Brother T-shirts
I had searched high and low for big brother shirts/little brother shirt for the boys to wear in the hospital. I had very specific requirements for these shirts and I was having trouble finding ones that met my specifications and were the right price. In the end, time ran out and Jonah was born before I found the perfect shirts. I was pretty disappointed.

Imagine my surprise and delight when O and Nosy showed up at the hospital bright and early the morning after Jonah was born in cute matching "Big Brothers Rock" t-shirts. Erica had scoured her attic full of boy clothes hunting for the shirts her boys wore for their little brother's arrival. I loved the shirts and was so touched that she spent the time and energy to dig them out of the attic for me. She knew how important it was to me. Thank you, Erica!

Taco Salad Day
When I was inpatient while pregnant with O, taco salad day in the Baylor cafeteria was the highlight of our week. It is delicious, especially when topped with all the fixings. The Thursday after Jonah was born just happened to be taco salad day. Hooray! My first meal of solid food was taco salad with Jeremy. Yum!

Late Night with Gramps and Yaya
The night J was born, Gramps and Yaya stayed up way past their bed time to spend time with us at the hospital. What sweet hours those were, while all was quiet in the hospital, bonding with brand new Jonah.

"Say Yes to the Dress" and Words with Friends
Jonah's second night, Gigi and Papa came and stayed late, snuggling with tiny Jonah while Gigi and I watched a "Say Yes to the Dress" marathon and Lowell taught Jeremy the joys of Words with Friends. Again, it was such a precious time of Jonah getting to know his grandparents.

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