Sunday, June 20, 2010

Celebrating Papa

We celebrated Father's Day with two great pool parties. The first was at the Big Halpin's house with Joel and Erica and fam. There is never a dull moment when we get all six little boys plus the two that never seem to grow up (I so love that about my husband!) together. Have I mentioned lately how much I love BOYS?!

There is always quite a bit of wrestling going on.

Ride 'em, O!

Clayton conquered the shark.

Beautiful Erica and Ollie P

Nosy got lots of rides with Gigi

The Biggest Guys
(the two tinies were sweetly napping inside)

Water races
What fun we had and how blessed we are to have godly men in the leadership positions in our family. Our Boys have such great role models in Papa and Jeremy and Joel.

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