Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sacked Out

Precious Baby, you are two weeks old...and I have never been more in love. From the top of your downy, lavender-smelling, fuzzy head to the tips of your peely, Halpin-long, red toes, I adore every single inch of you. You are so laid back and easy-going. You have slipped right in to our lives with no trouble at all. If I stay up late to nurse you one last time, you only wake up once at night (usually around 3:00) and then you sleep until morning. What a champ! You put up with quite a bit of tough love from your doting Big Brothers without a peep. You are tolerant and snuggly and peaceful. My favorite thing is to cuddle you and rock you and sing to you in the wee hours of the morning when it is just us two. I never tire of staring at you, memorizing all your sweet baby parts. I continuously thank God for you. You are the joy of my heart.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! HE'S SO PRECIOUS!!! I hate how fast this stage goes. I already have an almost crawler on my hands, and I feel like just yesterday he looked like does it keep happening?
Cherish, cherish, cherish those night time moments. Our little T. has been waking up at night still and instead of feeling frustrated at my lack of sleep I just have to hug him a bit tighter during our one-on-one times. Precious moments! :o) We're so blessed!