Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Apple Stamping Gone Bad

Apple stamping. What a darling idea with readily available supplies. We decided to give it a go.

Here O is describing in great detail exactly how the innards of an apple resemble both a star and a flower. Intriguing!

I sad to report that apple stamping did not work out for us. I am not sure what we did wrong, but the only stamps we made were brightly colored squares, not the star/flower we were so hoping for.

Apples are, however, great for spreading pretty paint around on your paper.

Nosy finally resorted to just painting apple slices, with the wrong end of the paint brush no less.

It's hard to get this kiddo down!


cheryl said...

We've had a hard time in the past too. I finally resorted to just using ink pads the last time and that worked pretty well! As long as you have fun, that's all that really matters, right?!? ;o)

Deann Black said...

Did you cut the star/flower into the apple? If so, maybe the star should be standing up away from the surrounding area that is cut away.