Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to the Roller Derby!

I stumbled upon a pair of brand new toddler rollerblades at a consignment sale last year. How could I pass them by, knowing I had two growing Boys who would one day be dying to rollerblade? Well, that day has arrived.

This is "the blur of Owen" as he zips past us. Check out that (blurry) form! I have visions of Scott Hamilton. Jeremy dreams of a future as the next Wayne Gretzky.

He skates in a circle: entryway, living room, kitchen, office, entryway. 'Round and 'round and 'round. He never tires of it.

Of course, Nosy wants to try too!

Patient Big Brother lends a helping hand.

We have yet to take the skates out on actual pavement. I am not so sure I relish the idea of my poor babies face planting on the cement at a rapid speed. For now, circling the house works just fine and dandy!


Deann Black said...

I am sooo impressed...what a big boy.

cheryl said...

How fun is that?!?