Wednesday, January 21, 2009

25 Months

Nosy, I only thought you grew up quickly in the last couple of months. That fast maturing was nothing compared to the changes between 24 and 25 months. You amaze me! I think you skipped toddlerhood completely and are now a full blown little boy.

You can count up to four objects. "Un, DOO, dree, fo." You can recite the numbers up to nine, but it is just rote memorization at this point.

You know several colors, but your fave by far to say is "pu-ple." "Bue" is a close second.

Love that flirty face!

Some of my favorite things you have learned to say this month are:
"Corry, Mama! Corry." (Sorry)
"Ecoo, pee." (May I please be excused.)
"Daddy HOME!" while running to open the door to the garage.
"Ba-berr" (strawberries)
You continue to say please after almost everything you say. "No, pee. Yes, pee." Even if you are in the throes of a nasty, wild fit, you make room for manners.
You went from calling Owen, "O!" to "O-yee!"

Your comprehension blows me away too. We have complete conversations with you now. Your sense of humor continues to blossom, and you love to make us laugh with your words and funny actions. If it gets a laugh out of us, you repeat and repeat and repeat it.

You are wild and crazy, but you always make time for sweetness. Today, as I was sitting on the couch, you jumped up beside me for a snuggle, laid your pudgy hand on my arm and just started patting me. You do these things often. Giving out "ug" (hugs) is one of your favorite things to do, throwing your precious chubby arms around my neck for a tight squeeze.

Oh, how I love you, Nosy-Posy! Just don't grow up too fast!

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