Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let's Party!

When we talked to Owen about what kind of birthday celebration a brand new four year old would love, this was his response:
"A real life bowling party...with a bowling ball! And all my friends!"
We did our best to make his dreams come true.

Let me just preface with this statement:
I have never taken worse pictures than I did this night. The lighting was funky, and although I had my camera around my neck the entire night and took zillions of photos, almost all of them were terrible. Many thanks to some awesome friends who lent me their photos. If there is not a good snapshot of your child, I apologize. I do have pictures of him/her, just blurry, dark ones...

Got to love Main Event!

Calyton, Oliver and O are ready to bowl!

Everyone wants to start!

Codys and McCrackens catch up.

Nosy finally succumbed to wearing the dreaded bowling shoes so he could play too.

Wonderful Chrys and Truett

I LOVE this picture of Jeremy and O!

Will waits for his turn.

Oliver has the hang of it now!

O got a kick out of the black light.

Happy Birthday O!

Blow, Owie! A true friend lends his air when blowing out the candles. Thanks Preston!

Suzanne, Erica and Julianne appease me by posing.

While O was being sung to (Oh, how that Boy glowed when being sung to!), he stuck his chin in the cake icing. Little Brother came right over to help scrape the icing off O's chin and feed it to him. Yummy!

He couldn't be more thrilled!

The Amezcua Girls

Enjoying every last bite.

Can you tell O wanted chocolate cake this year? Telltale crumbs were everywhere! One of the blessings of holding the party somewhere other than the House of Halpin? No clean-up!!

Hayden and Evan

Opening gifts

I shouldn't have been surprised when DeAnn's clan showed up dressed just like the Birthday Boy. Not only do we think alike, we shop together! What a cute camo crew!

Riding rides in the arcade.

Owie, I hope your birthday party was just what you wanted. I enjoyed nothing more than watching you enjoy your party. Love you, Son.

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