Monday, January 05, 2009

Piles of Money

This is one of our favorite school projects. Owen just loves playing with, sorting, organizing all the coins. We play this game at least once a week.

First, O dumps a huge mountain of change in the middle of our living room floor. Next, he sorts the coins by denomination and we discuss the distinguishing sizes, colors, etc and how much each coin is worth. Then we each take guesses as to which pile we suppose has the most/least coins.

Now for the counting! We arrange the coins in rows of five, counting aloud as we go. We count by 5's and 10's too, just to mix it up a bit. After we get the grand total for the coin, we graph it together on a bar graph. When we have summed up how many coins there are of each denomination and everything is graphed, we determine if our guesses were accurate or not. The day he figured out that he tallest bar on the graph corresponded with the most coins, it was like a light went off in his amazing brain. He couldn't wait to play again and again!
We have touched on the concept that even though one pile might have the most coins it is not necessarily worth the most. I think that flew right over his head, but we'll keep working on it!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Owen is going to be so bored if he ever goes to public school with the way he is flying through his learning!!!