Saturday, February 21, 2009

Funny Boys! (49 & 26 Months)

These Guys have me in stitches all day long! Here are just a few of the amusing things that come out of those clever little minds:

Owen: "Washcloth please, Mommy. Do you remember that behind my blinds is dirty?"
I guess he doesn't understand the concept of "family secret" quite yet."

After a thrown together PB&H picnic with no frills and nothing special, O announced:
"That was the BEST picnic ever! I can not even think of a better picnic!"

Noah has an issue with my singing. Now, anyone that knows me well, knows I can not carry a tune but I love to sing. It makes me happy. O puts up with me, usually by joining in and drowning me out. Noah, on the other hand, is a bit more blunt. Before I even hit the chorus of a great song, I hear, "No congs, Mommy. No cing. NO CONGS!" (That would be, "No songs, Mommy. No sing. NO SONGS!") Brings me down a notch every time. However, it does not stop me from belting it out.

A four year old's thoughts about the Oscars:
We had it on in the background of our Sunday evening. I love a good dress on a beanpole celebrity. I assumed no one else was paying any attention until I heard, "Mommy, may you please pause this show while I go to the bathroom?" Hmmmm....I guess he was watching after all.
After his potty break, I explained that this was an awards show for actors and their trophies were named the Grouch.
O: "When can we go see one?"
I explained that we were not invited. People wear their fanciest clothes, and it is a huge party just for actors. You must be super famous to be invited.
O: "I will be invited next time. I am super famous!"
I can only hope I get chosen to be his date!

O has entered his joke-telling phase. It is fabricated jokes all day long around here. Wish I had some laughter canned somewhere! This one was actually funny:
"Why did the chicken dig? By-cuz he wants to be a groundhog!"

For some reason, I got the giggles after Noah did some teensy sneezes. He looked at me with that twinkle in his eye and boomed out, "'Scuse me!!" Of course, we all laughed harder. Now he uses the phrase constantly, and in such appropriate times (after bumping into someone, to squeeze through a tight space, after burping). It just seems so grown up on my tiny Guy!

O's spelling of the day:
My name is Rachel Lin. He thought Rachel Linana, "Rhymes with 'banana,' Mommy!" was hysterical.

These Boys of mine. I could love nothing more. I end the day exhausted after breaking up squabbles, running off energy, filling little minds and hearts and tummies, passing out loads of hugs and kisses, answering dozens of questions. But I wouldn't trade a minute of it. I already look at my big guys and mourn that time is flying by too quickly. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank You, Lord, for choosing me to mother them.


Anonymous said...

great post, great pics, great quotes, precious boys.


Unknown said...

You are such a great mom. Love your blog..... :)

Deann Black said...

You got some great pics of those two funny boys! Love the banana name:)

Erica said...

Great the sepia!