Friday, April 04, 2008

Bedtime Update

As I have blogged before, we have been having some problems getting O to fall asleep at night. He is filled with anxiety and sadness all of a sudden, after months of going to sleep peacefully. We have tried so many things to help him, and yet he was still screaming and pounding on the walls and his door for several hours after being put to bed each night.

This week, we had a long-prayed for breakthrough, praise the Lord! Nothing really changed in our routine, so I am not sure what finally helped Owie to get beyond the fit throwing. All I know is that we prayed hard with him specifically about it many nights in a row.

Listen in on our conversation the morning after his first peaceful night
(and when I say peaceful, I mean we said our good-nights, shut the door, and heard not one more peep from his room...just like the good ol' days):
O: "I didn't cry or bang or scream or ask you any questions...or break your heart!" so proud of himself!
Me: "I am SO PROUD of you, Owie! What helped you?"
O: "I talked to Jesus!"
Me: "What did you tell Him?"
O: "I telled Him, 'Good-night!' I didn't have to tell you I hoped I have good dreams...I telled Jesus!"
Me: "Did Jesus help you go to sleep?"
O: "Oh, yes! He used my heart to help me sleep. I was a good boy and sleeped and sleeped and sleeped. Sometimes I am not a good boy."
I guess he threw that in for honesty's sake?!

I am so thankful we are beyond this struggle. Next, we have to get rid of his paci. Oh dread! (And I can almost hear the collective appalled gasps of readers everywhere. Yes, our three year old still sucks his paci in his bed. No excuses for that at all, except that he is a wonderful sleeper with it and I am worried he will no longer be a wonderful sleeper without it. The day is quickly approaching though...I'll keep you posted!)

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Praise God, and good luck with the paci. Not to worry you, but our fellow paci lover took about 6 weeks to sleep through the night when we got rid of it last year. However, one of our friends did the "paci fairy" thing, and other than mentioning that she missed it once or twice, she did great w/o it! We'll be praying for that too! :o)