Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy 4 1/2, O!

To ring in O's happy half birthday, we (of course) baked a cake. A very green cake, at the request of the birthday boy himself. (Notice the ever-present disastrous remodel MESS in the background. Ugh!)

Getting a good whiff.

We later iced the cake with an array of colors, and topped it off with sundae sprinkles: tiny choco chips, bananas and cherries. No shortage of food coloring and chemicals for this celebration!

Noah took the role of "assistant candle blower from a distance" very seriously.

After ingesting as much sugar as we could possibly hold, the Boys and I hopped into bed to enjoy the movie O chose at the library: Despereaux. Poor Daddy had to work on the kitchen, but he joined us just in time for the happy ending. Movie night with snuggling is always a winner!

We celebrated the next day with Yaya. O got the most fun game version of Horton Hears a Who and couldn't wait to model the Horton mask. What a cutie!

Still can't fathom the fact that you are 4 1/2, Owie! Next stop: FIVE?! You are growing up way too fast for Mommy. Love, love you.

1 comment:

Erica said...

that cake looks AWESOME!!!!!! almost 5??? craziness!!