Sunday, December 21, 2008

Noah in a Nutshell: 24 Months

I have been putting off this post for far too long, but for a good reason. How do I capture all of who you are, Nosy, in just one little post? Your personality is HUGE! Where do I even begin?

Nosy, my Sweet Sweet, the first word that comes to mind to describe you at two years old is joyful. You are one happy kid. Instead of walking, you bounce. Instead of talking, you squeal. Instead of smiling, you guffaw. You are joyful on the inside, and it radiates out of every part of you. I can not help but smile just being around you. Your joy is contagious!

Over the past couple of weeks, your look has changed from cuddly baby to growing toddler. You are taller, slimmer, leaner. Your face is not as round and your legs not nearly as chubby. You are big...and Mommy is more than a tiny bit sad about that.

Weight: 30 pounds (75%)

Height: 2 feet, 11 inches (75%)

Who is your number one Guy (well, after Daddy)? O! You and Owie are enjoying each other more every day. I hide around the corner of the playroom often, eavesdropping on your little boy conversations. Now that you are so super verbal, you and O chit chat constantly. You discuss game rules and block building strategies, what to "cook" for lunch and where to hide during rousing games of hide and seek. It gives me incredible joy to listen to you two play so well together and appreciate each others' company. May you always be best friends!

I am so impressed by your verbal skills, Nose! If our pediatrician was worried at 18 months, his fears will be put to rest now! You talk and talk and talk and talk...and I LOVE it!! Some of my very favorite words of yours:
"Peez" (Please) You use such great manners most of the time. "Hep (help) peez," "No peez," "All done, peez."

"Yap" (Lap) You worm your way onto my lap, no matter what I am doing, rub your rosy cheek on my chest, and say, "Yap peez, Mommy." Gets me every time!

"Ki-kin" (Chicken) I hear you in your crib, first thing every morning, asking for chicken nuggets for breakfast. You would love to live on chicken nuggets alone!

"Wa, Mommy, wa!" (Watch) O didn't start this until much later, but already you request that I watch every tiny new trick or observe your tremendous accomplishments. You crave an audience!

"YAY, O!" The president of Owie's fan club!

"Daddy's pee pee." Not as vulgar as it reads. You have very appropriately dubbed the master bath "Daddy's pee pee."

You so love a good game and have a few definite faves:
"Hie and Pee" (Hide and seek) gets huge giggles every time!
"Gol-gine" (Golfing) You can clobber a golf ball with impressive skill.
Any type of game involving a "hutt-hutt" (football) or "go ball" (goal ball or soccer ball).
Races. Lots and lots of races!
As you can see in the picture, you get pretty intense about your games.

You are still workin' it with the best of them and struggle to get your way from time to time, but I think I sold you short, Noah. I have always considered you to be a strong willed child. (Just in my head, mind you. I wouldn't want you to get any ideas!) Although you are surely stronger willed than your Brother, you have been pleasantly moldable lately. You have been obeying quickly and cheerfully and responding to discipline when you have needed it. I am so pleased with your heart attitude, Noah. You are a good, good Boy. I know you know right from wrong and I can visibly see you striving to do what is right. How we praise you and love on you when you make the right choice!

Thankfully, being obedient and good does not mean you can not be spunky and squirrelly and our resident jokester. I love your sparkle, No-nos! You are energetic and delightful and your only speed is super fast. You dance around the house and hum little songs to yourself. You laugh and giggle just for the fun of it, and you want us to laugh along with you. You try to entertain us with your crazy tricks and silly jokes, like wearing your shoes backwards or drinking from your sippy cup with no hands or sucking on two pacis at once. Nothing new or ingenious, but to you it is hilarious and you want us to enjoy it with you.

Something else that pleases me so deeply about your sweet heart, Nosy? You have a generous spirit about you. You willingly will share your brand new toy or favorite "mimi" (paci). You will give away your very last fruit snack if Owie asks for it. You will give up the best seat on the couch, if you see that I would like to drink my coffee sitting there. Even though the blue snack snack bowl is your fave, if O wants it, you happily hand it over to him.

You are generous with your affection too. Countless times a day, I find myself locked in a Nosy squeeze, tiny arms wrapped around my neck or knees. And every night when we ask for kisses before bed, it is not just one peck that we receive. "Mo! Mo!" you yell as you plant wet one after wet one on our cheeks. Nosy, I could hug on you all day and never get enough of you!

And guess what?! This week, you learned your very first Bible verse. I didn't really teach it to you, you just kind of started saying it, so it is an odd choice for a first memory verse. But hey! Writing God's Word on your heart is always an excellent thing.
Proverbs 6:6 "Go watch the ants, you lazy person. Watch what they do and be wise."
Your version: "Wa, wa wa de aint and be wi(se)."
Pretty darn good for 24 months!

So here I have painted a picture of what you are like at two years old, Noah. All in all, you are a delightful joy. That is not to say we do not have tough days. Days when you are stubborn or temperamental. Days when I spend a fair amount of time training you. But those days are rather few and far between for this phase of your life. I enjoy you to the fullest, Son, and am continually thankful for the extraordinary privilege of being your Mommy. I love, love you, more than you can ever imagine.


cheryl said...

Rach, you are so great at writing these milestone posts!
What a precious tribute to your precious son.
And yay for scripture memory. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Such a fabulous post, Rach. Love, love, love it. Love the pics, love the boy, love the post. These pics beautifully capture his personality. What a doll. Happy two, Noah. We love you!


Anonymous said...

Such a sweet post and I love all the pictures!! You make it look like we actually have seasons here ;-)
I love how you instill scriptures in your boys minds and hearts - something I am trying harder to do, thanks so much for your example!
Happy Birthday Noah!! You are a CUTIE!

Erica said...

Sweet post!!