Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dia de la Pajama

We have all been completely under the weather for two. long. weeks. But we are making the most of it, trying to make fun memories even when cooped up with stuffy noses and barfy tummies. One day, we never even got out of our pajamas.

Look at the cool train we made! We decorated every box in the house, plus added some laundry baskets, recruited all of our stuffed friends and hopped aboard our pajama train to nowhere.

We all enjoyed the ride!

Noah is really quite agreeable once his meds kick in. Demonstrating the spirit of generosity, he is caught sharing his very favorite mimi (that's paci to those that don't speak Noah) with Humongous Bear. I guess everyone needs a mimi fix every once in awhile!

Other pajama activities? Banana bread baking, puzzle assembling, rocket shooting, picture coloring, hockey goaling, mucho whining.

So sweet, even when plagued with the sickies.


Julianne said...

I feel your pain! Just one "ice" day (there was NO ice to be found around here) with all 4 kids at home almost sent me over the edge today. . and you have been at it much longer than me!

Anonymous said...

You are such a great mom--so cheerfully doing all of those fun activities. I hope everyone is well soon and can get out of the house.

cheryl said...

Gosh, you guys have had a rough time of it! Praying for full recovery, and good immune systems for the rest of the winter!!!
Love the train. ;o)