Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in Pictures

Thanksgiving Eve prep with my Guys

On Thanksgiving, we headed north to Aunt Julianne's house for turkey and all the trimmings.

Nosy anticipates his Thanksgiving feast: PB&H

Turkey-carving Rob

Coloring contest

Will gets a ride from Papa,

and Ally rides high on Joel.

Sweet Mia

Owie is the engine of the Halpin Choo-choo

A little "hutt-hutt" with Papa

Will is stylin'!

Ollie P and Maddie

Daddy and The O

Nosy's trademark passing stance

My football Hottie

Daddy snuggles up with Noah

Clayton is so daring!

It's tough to get a picture of Julianne! She's always behind the camera.

Our little Fam

Time to head home!

Gramps and Yaya joined us for Thanksgiving Supper at our house.

Doctoring a gravely ill Biscuit.

Wrestling with Gramps

Patty cake with Yaya

What a full, wonderful day with loved ones!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Looks like y'all had such a great time w/ fam! Love all the football and outside pics.