Friday, November 28, 2008


Each year I select an ornament for the Boys that reflects their interests or some facet of their personalities. As I painstakingly pick out the perfect ornament, I can't help but tear up just a little, envisioning them one day hanging these little boy ornaments on their grown up married trees.

So the ornament of 2008 for Owen is the world.

He loves any type of map or atlas, giving directions and learning about new places. Since geography is not my strong suit, I have been learning right along with O. These special times pouring over our children's atlas or researching the highest mountain and the largest waterfall with him snuggled in beside me are some of my most treasured memories of 2008.

Goofy, crazy, No-nos! For my sweet, darling Baby, I chose a sweet, darling cow.

"Cow" was one of Nosy's first words, and he loves to "MOOOOOO" long and loudly whenever we spy a bovine beast...or really any animal that's not a puppy. Every time we pass a field of any type (or even just an empty lot) he adamantly insists that cows reside there. "COW, Mommy! COW!"

I am already excited for next year, when I can unwrap these ornaments and once again tell my children the stories I am typing right now, and recapture a bit of their little boy-ness.


cheryl said...

Love this sweet tradition, and the thoughtfulness that goes into it!

Anonymous said...

what a thoughtful momma you are. so sweet!


MichaelandJaclynn said...

I love that tradition!! Michael's mom did it for him. They went to hallmark every year and picked a new ornament. We still go!