Saturday, November 08, 2008

Pet Day

Here at The House of Halpin, we are petless and quite content to remain so for now. But when I saw an advertisement for the up-coming Pet Day festivities at nearby Owen's Farm, I knew it was something we could not miss. We coerced my sis, Auntie LouLou, to not only lend us darling Kirby but to also attend with us! What a great day we enjoyed! The weather was perfect and we were surrounded by other peoples' dogs.

LouLou and Kirb

O bonded well with this beautiful horse.

Owie loved the dogs! At one point, he noticed Caroline offering her finger to a small puppy for nibbling. O quickly followed suit and the pup nipped at O's finger. He was exstatic, jumping up and down. "He likes me! He gave me kisses!" In the next kennel was a rather mangy, much larger dog. Without any hesitation, O stuck his finger in the cage. "Bite me, Puppy! It doesn't hurt me!" After extracting O's finger in the nick of time, we had to have a lesson on the damage dog teeth can do to small boys.

O, LouLou and Kirby joined in the Puppy Parade. It's hard to tell from the photo, but O was beaming from ear to ear, so honored to be a part of a real life parade. He danced and marched along to the peppy music.

Surprisingly, here is where Nosy hung out for most of the day. He had fun observing from a distance, but my Boy who usually loves animals felt a bit safer confined in the stroller. He did hop down at one point when he noticed that several puppies had balls in their kennels. He really wanted to play with those balls and wandered pitifully from cage to cage moaning, "Baaaaall. Baaaaall. Ruff-ruff baaaaaal."

Towards the end of our stay, we fed the goats. It's amazing that these goats are continuously hungry! O, usually so timid, showed no signs of fear today. He knew exactly what to do and offered up his handfuls of food out without any qualms. Noah did not leave my side for one second.

Pet Day.
Fun times, even for those of us with nary a pet.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

How fun. I laughed out loud about O's "bite me" comment! Gotta love it.