Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Noodles Anyone?

One morning I was attempting to straighten up the house with two whiny guys under foot, pulling out toys twice as fast as I could store them away. Out of desperation, I grabbed a bag of left-over dried pasta and a few dishes. "Boys! A new game!" I did not hear a peep out of them for hours! Who knew noodles could be so entertaining?!

I was cracking up at determined Noah! He would scoop up a few noodles in his spoon and attempt to carry them a few feet away to his bowl. Over and over again he tried, and each time every single noodle would spill to the floor before making it to the bowl. Never did he complain or get frustrated.

Owie distributing the noodles just so.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Great idea! I tend to hesitate "letting them loose" with something like rice or beans, but unless it's completely crushed under foot, this seems like it would be much easier to clean up.