Monday, November 17, 2008

Morning Revelations

Big news around The House of Halpin!

Guess who slept all night with a blanket and a pillow? The very blanket and pillow that have been a terrific nesting place for dust bunnies for the past year, sitting in the corner of O's room.

If you guessed John and Jeremiah, you are only half way right.

That's right, Folks. Our Big Boy who has always preferred a fitted sheet only (no blanket, no pillow..basically slept just as he would in a crib, only with a lot more space) slept grown-up style last night, at his own request. I have no clue what made the change, but I am thankful it finally happened.

So tonight, I added his top sheet and removed his bed rail. Hey, why not change it all at once? There were a few tears parting from the bed rail (He plays guitar on it after we tuck him in.), but other than that, it has been all smiles at what a big boy he is becoming. He even generously invited No-nos to bunk with him so he could be big too.

On another front, Nosy woke up this morning yelling, "BAAA! BAAAAA!" I ran to his room wondering what was going on. Oh! What a revelation! Noah has sheep in his room. In fact, the entire nursery has a lamb motif. I guess Noah just now noticed and couldn't wait to spread the word.


Anonymous said...

that's so funny! i didn't know that owen slept like that! what a big boy he is.

cute pic of both of them in bed!


Anonymous said...

Those are two precious little boys!!

cheryl said...

Wow! It's nice to know we're not the only ones. Munchkin has been sleeping w/ a sheet for a little while now, but she has yet to accept any of the 3 sizes/ styles of pillows we have tried.
She also takes her PJ's off when it's time to go to bed. I think it started this summer when it was so hot on our trip overseas.
Oh, these kiddos are their quirks. So funny!
Love the sheep thing too. ;o)

Deann Black said...

YEAH for Owie!!! I am so happy you have decided to be a bigger, warmer boy. Love the pic of them in bed together:)

Erica said...

Way to go big boy