Thursday, November 20, 2008

Adorning Our Bulletin Board

We have been working on some Thanksgiving crafts around the House of Halpin. My two faves earned places of honor upon our bulletin board.

Meet our Thankfulness Turkey. Every day as we count down to Thanksgiving, O thinks of something he is especially thankful for. I hope to do this each year to compare what he is thankful for from year to year. High on O's list: specific family members, sharing with No-nos and being shared with in return, and basketball goals.

We have been working for many days on our Kindness Quilt, inspired by a book of the same title. (I have an even greater appreciation for quilters after laboring over our paper version for hours!) We each drew pictures of times when we were kind, observed someone else being kind or received kindness ourselves. It was so heart-warming to watch the Brothers go out of their way to be kind to each other. Amazingly, the kindness has continued even after our project has been completed. Maybe we need to add squares to our quilt all year! I often pray that both my Boys will have a respect and self-sacrificing love for the other. Hopefully we are on the right track!

Our family of puppets is finally complete! They turned out so darling! O did an amazing job! I am now hunting for a shadow box to display these in O's room permanently.

Crafting with my kiddos is so much fun! I am thankful they seem to enjoy it every bit as much as I do.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I was just wondering where you have your bulletin board displayed. Is it in Owen's room or in a more central location?

Rachel H said...

Our bulletin board takes up almost one entire wall of our play room. It is about 6 ft x 4 ft.

Anonymous said...

your kindness quilt is awesome! we haven't read that book but i'm going to put it on our list. really great job, momma!

the boys sure are thankful for their pacis! owens pic of the bed and the pacis made me laugh.

and the puppets are great, too!

thanks, as always, for the great ideas and inspiration!


The Legatowicz said...

Love the crafts, Rachel...what an inspiration! I especially like the turkey one...we may try and whip one up this weekend and add on a few feathers each day.