Monday, September 17, 2007

Music to My Ears

My days are filled with the sweet music of two tiny voices. One Boy carries on a running commentary of our day while the other babbles away happily. Owen is always challenged to make sensical words out of Noah's chatter. The other day, Noah was diligently practicing his consonant sounds when Owen let out an extremely high pitched squeal. "Mommy!!!! NOAH SAID 'BUBBA'!! Hooray No-nos!" Once my ear drums recovered, I was able to notice that sure enough, Noah was smiling adoringly up at Owen saying, "Bu-bu-bu-bu." What a precious moment. Owen was relishing the fact that, in his mind anyway, Noah was talking just to him, while tiny Scooter was soaking up all the extra attention and praise from busy Big Brother. I love having two Boys and am so grateful that they love having each other.

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