Thursday, September 13, 2007


There have been some big developments around The House of Halpin this week!
Look who's smiling in his Big Boy Bed! Remembering back to the traumatic attempt to change beds months ago, I was convinced this day would never come. So how did Owen end up in his new bed? Well, blame it all on the irresponsibility of Mommy. Every single crib sheet in the house (except for the one on Noah's bed) was currently in the dryer at bed time. I had forgotten to switch the laundry after dinner and so the sheets were still sopping when it came time to put the Boys down. Surprisingly, O took very little persuasion to lay down in the new bed. He just hopped right up with John and Jeremiah in tow and got comfy. I was hesitant to believe he would actually last the night there, but just look at what I found a half an hour later! Sacked out! I guess on closer inspection, with all the railings on his day bed, it really is just a super-sized crib! He should feel right at home.

Noah's new nap time antics! Poor, sweet Scooter. He can pull up but can't figure out how to get back down.

He was none too happy about the situation. That Baby needs some love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Owen!!
Aunt Erica