Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Double Fisted

I have a confession to make:
I am addicted to animal crackers. My friends and family know this about me. I can not live without plain old, Stauffer's Original Animal Crackers. I have to have them. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch and supper and be satisfied. If I stopped eating them I would probably drop five pounds of chub immediately. They are great plain or dipped in any number of things: peanut butter, Hershey's, Cool Whip or paired with choco chips and mini marshmallows. I am craving them just writing this post. (Although, little known fact, I could not stand the taste of animal crackers during either one of my pregnancies. Strange.)

On to the story. One afternoon, the animal cracker craving became unbearable. Owen was napping and No-nos was busy crawling around practicing his consonant sounds. I crept to the pantry and dug around for the animal crackers. Aaah, there they were. I stealthily hid them behind my back so Noah, who can sense food a block away, would not take note. On my way back to the living room, I stopped by the play room for a stack of distracting toys for Noah. That should keep him busy, or so I fooled myself.

No sooner had I cracked open the lid and relished my first cookie than here came Scooter, curious to see what I was doing. He scaled Mount Rachel and discovered the container of cookies behind me. Quick as lightening, his hand was in my cookie container digging all around! His little fist emerged with three cookies clutched tightly in sticky fingers. He knew just what to do with them too! He eagerly sucked them to death! I thought about prying them out of his tiny grip, but he was so excited and really, who has the energy? It was amazing! He downed all three cookies and begs for more whenever he sees the cookie container. Could he be another tiny addict? The sins of the mother...

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