Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, the last few days have completely turned out lives up side down. Noah has been diagnosed with Type I Diabetes.

For the past two weeks or so, he has been exceptionally thirsty, and thus has been peeing quite a bit more than normal. But we've been outside a ton, running fast, playing hard. What little Boy wouldn't be pretty parched? It wasn't until he started completely flooding his entire bed at nap (while wearing a diaper) and twice at night that I began to wonder what was up. Over the weekend, I began tallying how many ounces Nosy was actually drinking. After coming up with numbers between 80-100 ounces a day, I really started to get concerned.

Bright and early Monday morning, I called the pedi and apologized for being such a paranoid Mom, worrying that my toddler may have diabetes. Surely not, but would they mind checking just to be sure? I didn't feel quite as paranoid when they sat down to break the news to me and told me to pack my bags, we were headed to Children's.

We sat in the Children's ER until 1am, completely surrounded by swine flu. I think I could feel the germs crawling up my leg. I just kept praying God's protection over our health. Nosy's blood sugars were in the 400's. An IV was started and lots of labs drawn. Poor baby was such a trooper. He just kept crying, "I want to eat at home!" Alas, no food for Noah for awhile.

Finally we got admitted to a room. There was a fold out chair for Jeremy, and Nosy and I shared the hospital bed. Pretty close quarters, but it felt good to have Noah sleep on my chest, safe and sound and blissfully unaware of how his life was about to change. He hadn't slept on me since he was teeny tiny. I cherished every minute.

Tuesday was probably the worst day of my life. His blood sugars were so high, he would scream for 45 minutes after every blood sugar check and insulin shot (minimum of 4/day), he was starving but couldn't eat much. There was nothing we could do to console poor Nosy-Posy. Plus, Tuesday was diabetic education day...and it was intense! I know I am a nurse, but I have not dealt with diabetes since nursing school, eons ago! It was so much information and the consequences for messing up are so severe. Jeremy and I felt like we were under so much pressure, and it is our little boy's life at stake. We hadn't slept since Sunday night and hadn't really eaten in over 24 hours. We were emotional wrecks.

Tuesday evening, my Mom and Dad brought Owie up to the hospital to visit. He had been so anxious about Noah, telling my Mom how much he missed his brother and how very worried he was about him. It was so nice to snuggle with O for a bit and try to reassure him the best I could. Sadly, Nosy cried through almost their entire visit. And do you notice the mimi (paci) in every pic? I don't think the plug was pulled for three days straight.

Wednesday was met with a new perspective. We had slept a little and eaten and were feeling a little more encouraged. Noah perked up a bit (between traumatic "pokes"). O came again and we all spent some time in the playroom together, just being a family. A Child Life specialist spent time with both Boys, just explaining what diabetes was and why Noah will have to have shots every day forever. They got to play needless syringes and lancets and pretend to check our blood sugars and give us insulin. It was so good for both kids!

Nosy got his IV turned off around 10:00 and there began to be talk of discharging us home! Jeremy and I were very nervous, but the doctors assured us that everything would be fine and we were prepared for every scenario. We spent the morning bopping the ball around the bed and reviewing what we had learned the day before.

Around 3:00pm, we packed up and headed home, feeling quite apprehensive about what lay ahead. But at least we'd be in our own house, with Owie back with us and our families close by...

...To be continued...


chrys said...

oh, sweet friend. i loved seeing these pics - they are fabulous and such a sweet testimony of your dear family...your smiles and thankful hearts even in the midst of a horribly difficult time.

we have prayed, prayed, prayed for you and your sweet fam these past few days. we love you so much.

you are an amazing mom and God has well-equipped you to care for precious noah.

we are here for whatever you need. i am so thankful we got to see you today.


cheryl said...

What a sad sad bummer of a thing.
We are so sorry for sweet Noah and the whole fam for that matter, but I know God has placed Noah in just the perfect care!
Praying for all of you.
Such a brave boy you are Noah. Hang in there buddy! (and mama too) ;o)

AmyB said...

So sorry to hear the news. Noah seems like such a sweetiepie. So sad that he has to have "pokes" but here's to happy days ahead!

J said...

I am so sorry this is happening, but Noah and Owen could not have 2 better people to love and take care of them than you and Jeremy as their Mommy and Daddy. We have been praying for all of you and will continue to do so. I'm so glad we're all a part of the Family of God.
Judy R

Jenny said...

we are praying for sweet Noah and your family :) Good thing you are so in tune with your boys and you caught it so quickly!! Noah is fortunate to have such a great momma!

Sandi said...

Oh Dear! I am so sorry!
Isaiah 58:11

Judysosbee said...

I have been looking on your blog three or four times a day looking for an entry. I am so glad to hear that things are at least a little calmer. I can not do much but i am a very good babysitter and i would be happy to come over any day to help you out. Love to the family judy Sosbee

MichaelandJaclynn said...

I am so sorry to hear this news! I will keep you guys and Noah in my prayers

ana said...

i'm sorry to hear about noah's diagnosis. know that it will be ok!!! my brother was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 2 yrs old. he had all the same symptoms that noah had. i remember the first couple of weeks were really rough. he hated getting insulin shots! my mom made a sticker board for him for being everytime he wouldn't cry, he would get a sticker. it sounds corny, but it worked! my brother is now 25yrs old and doing great! he's never had any problems and has been able to do anything that a "normal" kid can do. i know you can do it. i will be thinking of you and your family. good luck!!

The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

wow, i just read your blog. i am so sorry, i cant imagine going through all that you, noah and your family have been through. God is so GOOD!!! I am sure you look back over this past month and think how stressful but what a blessing. noah seems to be doing so well.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.