Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Halpin Happenings: Owen

Such a big, handsome Boy

So much has been going on with O lately, so much growing up.

*He can now count to 100 by 1's and by 10's.

*He is all about doing his own clean-up lately, at bath and potty time. Mommy is no longer needed to help.

*O has successfully memorized Psalm 121 and we are now working on Psalm 119:9-16.

*He said to Noah during a spat, "Please don't break my feelings." Sweet Boy.

*During a devotional this week, we each listed favorite things about each family member. Here is what Owie said:
Daddy: "That he hugs me."
Noah: "That he's my brother."
Mommy: "That she looks pretty sometimes." (Thanks, Son!)
Owen: "That I am Noah's brother."

*The sweetest prayer I have ever heard. Seriously, I was crying in my chicken and noodles over these precious words:
"Father God, thank you for trees, rain, even the grass. Thank you for your wonderful creation. Thank you for you. You are a wonderful blessing. Thank you for your Son that is our King. Thank you for your world. Thank you that you are with us all the time and are everywhere at once. Amen."

*We have been really focusing on writing letters and numbers in school lately, fewer crafts and more hard-core stuff. It has not been quite as fun, and he is a little more hesitant to sit at the table to concentrate. He is such a perfectionist (first child syndrome, I'm sure!) and is very meticulous in his letter formation. He gets pretty frustrated if he doesn't get it just right.

*He and Noah spend more and more time playing together and collaborating together with their games. I am so thankful they love each other so much!

Thank You , Father, for this amazing Boy with such a sensitive heart and the privilege to raise him to know You.


chrys said...

love him! such a sweet, tender-hearted boy.

psalm 121! way to go, o!


cheryl said...

Sweet O! What a precious prayer.

Deann Black said...

They don't look like babies anymore...when I saw this pic my jaw dropped:(